
Tuesday 1 November 2011

British sausage week: Day 2: Hazelnut salami pasta salad

OK, day 2 of British sausage week and I am already facing resistance.  Which is odd, because victim is one of the sausage's greatest fans - admittedly normally for breakfast, and especially on a Sunday.  However, had some really nice salami (with hazelnuts, and sourced in the UK - but I have forgotten the compaby) in the fridge - so came up with this.  Gently sauteed chopped leek, fennel, courgette and mushrooms until just a little bie left - added chopped garlic, mixed herbs, and finely diced salami - then seasonned.  Put pasta (farfalle in this case) on... added about half a pint of chicken stock to vegetable and salami mix.  When pasta was nearly done added frozen peas to vegetable and salami mixture - stir through to heat.  Tipped sauce into big bowl, and stirred in spoonful of cream cheese.  Added drained pasta, and a big handful of rocket with a dollop of mayonnaise - stir gently until mixed and sprinkle with chopped parsley and grind of black pepper.  Thumbs up from victim, and I liked it too.  Bonus, though it won't freeze I have some left in a plastic pot for lunch tomorrow.

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